Leo Reisman

(Talking Machine World, December 1923)
Reisman Orchestra Will Make Columbia Records Exclusively — Director Prominent in Musical Circles for Many Years

One of the newest dance organizations to join the Columbia library is the Reisman Dance Orchestra, which will record exclusively for the Columbia Phonograph Co. The director of this orchestra, Leo Reisman, although a young man in point of years, has been identified with musical activities for many years, having started his musical career at the age of ten.

He organized and directed the first band at the English High School in Boston, after having played the solo violin at the Bijou Dream, at that time a Keith vaudeville house in Boston. At the age of seventeen this promising young musician played in the Baltimore Symphony and led the orchestra at the Hotel Belvedere, Baltimore.

My Electric Girl - 1923

Since then he has directed orchestras at the United States Hotel, Saratoga, N. Y.; the Copley-Plaza and the Hotel Lenox, Boston; the Ritz-Carlton, New York and in "Good Morning, Dearie," on the stage at the Globe Theatre, New York. The Reisman Orchestra also helps along a college education by playing
at Harvard, Dartmouth, Williams, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brown, Wellesley and Radclifte.



Posted on Sonntag 23 April 2017 - 10:05:17 Posted by GrammophonTeam

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