Foren > Musik, Tanz, Theater und Tonfilm > Politik, Märsche und Zeitgeschichte
Gross-Paris Orchestra
Moderatoren:SchellackFreak, berauscht, GrammophonTeam, Charleston1966, DGAG, Der_Designer, LoopingLoui
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Do Jun 11 2020, 13:08 Druck Ansicht
⇒ Mitglied seit ⇐: Mi Jan 23 2019, 15:46
Beiträge: 8
Hi everyone,
I am desesperatly looking for a good photo of the Gross-paris musik regiment for a book to be plubished.. Does anyone has that please? Kind of urgent. I am open to discussion of course.

Thanks a lot.

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Do Jun 11 2020, 13:49

⇒ Mitglied seit ⇐: Sa Jun 02 2018, 16:22
Beiträge: 7
Hello and welcome,

In the future, please pay attention to where you post to keep the forum clear.

Please understand that a forum should stimulate discussions.
Answers can sometimes take a little while. Maybe someone will find a photo.

Good luck with it.

Stay healthy
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