HMV Horn Model 25
MANUFACTURER: Gramophone Company Ltd., Great Britain
MODEL: Hornmodel No. 25
YEAR: December 1924 - February 1927
PRICE: 8,10 GBP in Oak and 9 GBP in Mahogany.
CASE: Oak or mahogany, fixed motor board, sloping sides with swallow plinth moulding and square pad feet like the successors model 32 and the later model 31
TURNTABLE: 12 in./ 30 cm
HORN: HMV Morning Glory, 23 1/2 in.
MOTOR: HMV No. 34 quadruple-spring with automatic speed indicator
SOUNDOX: HMV Exhibition
The HMV 25 was one of the last horn models that the Gramophone Company Ltd. produced for the home market. Following the remarks of the book "His Masters's Gramophone", so this model was a result of the production of that model for or rather in India. Horn models were still in demand in india so there were serverel horn models available. Because only the cases were locally produced in Calcutta (India) and any other (standard) parts came from England to India, the gramophone company adopted this model with an oak or mahogany case for the homemarket.
Compared to other horn models the case of the model 25 had sloping sides (as the successors model 32 and 31 as well!), so the back-bracket and the crank escutcheon had to be adapted. All other parts and components used on that model were not new and have already been consistently used in other models of the Gramophone Company.
Altogether 596 pieces of this model were sold on the homemarket, of which 221 were mahogany.
Das HMV 25 war eines der letzten Trichtergeräte, welches die Gramophone company Ltd. für den Heimatmarkt herstellte. Folgt man den Ausführungen des Buches "His Masters´s Gramophone", so entstand das Modell aus dem Umstand heraus, dass für dem indischen (Kolonial-)Markt nach wie vor Trichtergeräte produziert wurden. Da ausschließlich die Gehäuse lokal in Calcutta (Indien) produziert und alle anderen (Standard-)Teile von England aus nach Indien verschifft wurden, nahm man das Modell jeweils mit Eiche- und Mahagonikorpus ins Standardsortiment des Heimatmarktes auf.
Entgegen anderer Trichtergeräte war am Modell 25 das Gehäuse besonders, da es abgeschrägte Seiten besaß (übrigens so, wie bei den Nachfolgern Model 32 und 31 ebenso!) und deswegen die übliche Standard-Trichterstütze sowie die Kurbelführung angepasst werden musste. Alle anderen verwendeten Teile und Komponenten waren nichts Neues und wurden bereits durchweg in anderen Modellen der Gramophone Company verbaut.
Insgesamt wurden 596 Stück dieses Modells auf dem Heimatmarkt verkauft; 221 davon 221 Stück in Mahagoni.
The HMV No. 25 showed in a catalogue
Source: HMV Gramophones 1921 to 1936 (Phonoservice)
F.l.t.r: the HMV No. 34 Quadruple-spring motor used in the HMV model 25, the case with the automatix speed-indicator, the late HMV Exhibtion soundbox, the framed HMV-transfer on the frontside of the case
WRITTEN BY: The Symbol of Supremacy
- His Master´s Gramophone Brian Oakley and Christopher Proudfoot, 2011
- H.M.V. Gramophones 1921 to 1936 Phonoservice Book of the gramophone, 1999
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